The Most Popular Texas Stories, Memes, Content, Brands, and Shirts of 2021

texas is life the best of 2021 featured image

We’ve gathered the best of Texas from 2021 based on data from our website ( and social media channels like our Facebook Page and Groups.

Most Popular Texas Brands of 2021
The Best Stories About Texas of 2021
Best Texas Memes of 2021
Best of “The Best” Lists of Texas from 2021
Most Popular Texas City of 2021
Most Popular Texas Shirts of 2021

Most Popular Texas Brands of 2021

We meticulously combed through our data and associated views of articles with the brands behind them. If a brand was only partly relevant to a story or article they only gained partial credit equivelent to the percentage, for example if the Dallas Cowboys teamed up with Tesla to give out free cars they would both get about 50% credit for the reads of the story. This allowed us to create the following list of the Texas brands that most impacted and reached our readers in 2021.

Of note: Goldee’s Barbecue who was named the new #1 BBQ joint in the state by Texas Monthly, Martin House Brewing which created a Grape Pickle flavored beer, Tito’s Handmade Vodka which donated a million dollar grant that led to a breakthrough COVID-19 vaccine, GameStop whose stock turned Wall Street upside down, Beck’s Prime which had a location named as the single best burger restaurant in the country, and new comer Tesla who moved their headquarters from that coastal state here to the great state of Texas.

  1. H-E-B
  2. Bucc-ee’s
  3. Dallas Cowboys
  4. Whataburger
  5. Goldee’s Barbecue
  6. Martin House Brewery
  7. GameStop
  8. Tesla
  9. Tito’s Handmade Vodka
  10. Beck’s Prime
  11. Franklin Barbecue
  12. Torchy’s Tacos
  13. Fletcher’s
  14. Tom Thumb
  15. Southern Star Brewing Company
  16. Dallas Mavericks
  17. Dr Pepper
  18. Taco Cabana
  19. 7-Eleven
  20. Texas Rangers
  21. Houston Texans
  22. KSCS
  23. 99.5 The Wolf
  24. Hester’s
  25. San Antonio Spurs
  26. Mooyah
  27. Blue Bell
  28. Toyota
  29. Houston Rockets
  30. Dallas Stars
  31. Houston Astros

The Best Stories About Texas of 2021

Here’s a quick look at the 10 most popular stories in Texas in 2021. These were placed in order of the most reads on each article. We’ve also provided some social metrics accurate at the time this article was researched.

1. You Can Float Down the Longest Lazy River in the World in Waco

  • Type: Life (something you can go do)
  • Facebook Likes: 446,000
  • Summary: BSR Cable Park in Waco, TX is home to the longest lazy river in the world, this article is updated yearly with all of the details. Texans love big things, they love lazy rivers, they love being outdoors, and in 2021 they loved this story more than any other.

2. H-E-B’s Now Have Ready to Cook Brisket Queso Kits

  • Type: Food (something you can eat or drink)
  • Facebook Likes: 66,000
  • Summary: H-E-B released a new “Meal Simple” kit to help Texans easily make brisket queso at home. Texans went wild for the delicious treat all year long.

3. CeeDee Lamb Walked Around a Dallas Tom Thumb Handing out $100 Gift Cards

  • Type: Sports (something about sports teams or athletes in Texas)
  • Facebook Likes: 2,100
  • Summary: Just before Thanksgiving Tom Thumb and CeeDee made it so he could walk around a grocery store and hand out $100 gift cards to shoppers.

4. A Texas Paramedic Survived His Vehicle Being Crushed by a Semi, Crawled Out, and Started Helping Others in Huge I-35 Pileup

  • Type: Texans (something about our fellow Texans doing great/amazing/giving things)
  • Facebook Likes: 5,000
  • Summary: A Texas paramedic survived a horric wreck then immediately started helping others. The man was hearlded as a hero by most Texans and was given a free brandnew vehicle by Texas-based Toyota

5. 36 Photos and Videos That Show How Texans Are Handling The Extreme Winter

  • Type: Culture (for the Texas culture)
  • Facebook Likes: 1,300
  • Summary: During the Texas winter freeze, Texans posted photos and videos showing the winter wonderland and how they were overcoming it.

6. There’s a ‘The Simpsons’ Themed Popup Bar and Burger Restaurant in Dallas Right Now

  • Type: Life (something you can go do)
  • Facebook Likes: 712
  • Summary: A Dallas bar made itself look a lot like Moes from the famous cartoon sitcom for several weeks.

7. Post Malone Goes Country

  • Type: Culture (for the Texas culture)
  • Facebook Likes: 5,800
  • Summary: Post Malone (Grapevine, TX) performed two country music songs during Matthew and Camila McConaughey’s virtual “We’re Texas” benefit.

8. Dallas Restaurant Makes Esquire’s “Best New Restaurants” List For 2021

  • Type: Food (something you can eat or drink)
  • Facebook Likes: 37
  • Summary: ‘Roots Southern Table’ found itself on Esquire’s top 40 best new restaurants list.

9. A Facebook Post Claims to Show a Leaked Photo of Whataburger’s New Limited Spicy Ketchup

  • Type: Food (something you can eat or drink)
  • Facebook Likes: 135
  • Summary: A leaked photo of a teased new Whataburger food item and arguments over its authenticity drove thousands of readers to this article. Making this list was an incredible feat too since the article was published just 3 days before the end of the year.

10. A Snownado Was Spotted over Cedar Creek Lake

  • Type: Outdoors (something that happens in Texas nature)
  • Facebook Likes: 1,900
  • Summary: Snownado’s are rarities everywhere but even more rare in Texas. This one happend to get caught on camera for all of Texas to awe.

Best Texas Memes of 2021

We love a good meme and we love making great memes. Here are the top 5 Texas memes as voted on by your reactions on our Facebook page.

Quick plug, next year we’ll be using data from Twitter and Instagram to help us build this list so go follow us there too so you never miss a meme. [Twitter: @txislife] [Instagram: @texasislife1]

1. You Might Live in Texas if you Shovel Snow and Need to Mow Your Yard in the Same Week

  • Award: Texas Meme of the Year, Most Shared Texas Meme
  • Reach: 3,052,528 Texans
  • Reactions: 75,000
  • Shares: 27,000
  • Comments: 1,500

2. I Miss the Part of COVID Where There Was No Traffic

  • Reach: 2,752,395
  • Reactions: 3,700
  • Shares: 24,000
  • Comments: 287

3. Literally Every Texan: Quitely Removes Alaskan Cruise from Bucket List

  • Reach: 1,758,171 Texans
  • Reactions: 36,000
  • Shares: 14,000
  • Comments: 1,200

4. I’m Done With My 7-Day Free Trial of Living in Alaska Now. I’d Like to Cancel My Subscription

  • Reach: 1,512,904
  • Reactions: 20,000
  • Shares: 15,000
  • Comments: 560

5. Sorry ERCOT!

  • Reach: 1,590,205
  • Reactions: 5,100
  • Shares: 14,000
  • Comments: 947

6. Build a Snowman for Ants?

  • Reach: 1,443,440
  • Reactions: 3,700
  • Shares: 12,000
  • Comments: 987

7. Zero Shame About This Too!

  • Reach: 1,009,542
  • Reactions: 3,800
  • Shares: 12,000
  • Comments: 479

8. A Map of Texas to Help Californians Decided Where to Live

  • Award: Farthest Reaching Texas Meme
  • Reach: 3,119,895
  • Reactions: 23,000
  • Shares: 21,000
  • Comments: 1,400

9. Can’t Eliminate Any of These

  • Award: Most Discussed Texas Meme
  • Reach: 960,389
  • Reactions: 2,900
  • Shares: 2,600
  • Comments: 40,000

10. The Only Thing Texas Knows About Ice and Salt is in the Form of a Margarita

  • Reach: 802,857
  • Reactions: 12,000
  • Shares: 7,100
  • Comments: 437

Best of “The Best” Lists of Texas from 2021

Every year we research and produce lists to help Texans find The Best around them in the real world and online. In 2021 one of this lists stood out way above the rest. Perhaps that’s due to the booming local population or maybe because we did a pretty great job on it. Whatever the reason here’s your Best of “The Best” Lists of Texas from 2021.

  • Article Title:

    15 Best Restaurant Patios in Fort Worth For Al Fresco Dining

  • Summary: Our readers asked us to dig up the absolute best patio experiences in Fort Worth, TX and our researchers delivered. The net result is the single most thorougly researched and dare we say the single best list of the best patios in Fort Worth.
  • Facebook Likes: 142

Most Popular Texas City of 2021

Based on views of our content that were about a specific event, person, or food in a specific Texas city these are the top 20 most popular Texas cities of 2021 in order.

  1. Dallas
  2. Fort Worth
  3. San Antonio
  4. Houston
  5. Austin
  6. Arlington
  7. Starbase (technically not a city yet)
  8. Dalhart
  9. Corpus Christi
  10. New Braunfels
  11. Van Horn
  12. Garland
  13. Frisco
  14. Brownsville
  15. Plano
  16. Tyler
  17. Missouri City
  18. El Paso
  19. San Marcos
  20. Conroe

Most Popular Texas Shirts of 2021

We release dozens of new shirt designs every year. These are the top 10 Texas themed designs that sold the most in 2021, no matter what year they were originally designed or released in.

1. Don’t Califonia My Texas

It’s pretty simple why this shirt was so popular in 2021, Texas ain’t California.

don't california my texas shirt

2. ERCOT Review

A one-star rating feels pretty high, but that’s the lowest the scale goes.

ercot review t-shirt

3. Stars at Night Heartbeat Comic

Made by one of our favorite Texas comic artists, this one shows how a Texans heartbeats just a little differently.

stars at night heartbeat comic t-shirt

4. Greatest Country in the World

State? State of Mind? No, a country.

greatest country in the world (texas) shirt

5. Texas vs. California Boxing

Texas hitting Cali with a KO punch.

texas punching california t-shirt

6. Texas Since 1836

And still going strong.

texas since 1836 t-shirt

7. Texas Snowpocalypse Survivor 2021

It’ll take more than a little cold snap to break a Texan.

texas snowpocalypse 2021 survivor t-shirt

8. Texas is Better Than Your State

Absolute, 100%, objective, scientific, fact.

texas is better than your state shirt

9. Leopard Print Texas Shape Women’s Tee


texas shape leopard print t-shirt

10. Texan Forever

And ever, and ever.

texan forever shirt

Goodbye 2021!

2021 wasn’t the best of years for many Texans, we hope our memes, articles, shenanigans, and shirts made it a little better for y’all. Here’s an amazing 2022 for all of Texas!

Featured gold glitter image on license from