
100% Money Back Guarantee

Every product sold by the Texas is Life brand on the website is backed by our 100% Money Back Guarantee. We’ll refund 100% of your purchase if you don’t like the product, it has any defects, or you’re just unhappy with your purchase.

There are some rules that apply when returning a product and obtaining your 100% refund, please see our Return Policy for those.

Like our fellow Texans we’re tired of websites and stores selling low quality Texas shirts, hats, and other products and ruining our joy when they come in the mail. We’re absolutely 100% dedicated to making every Texan as happy as possible with their purchase from our website and with providing the highest quality product available on the market. So much so that we’re offering a super simple, lifetime, 100% money back guarantee on everything we sell.

Remember your purchase and future purchases support our mission to highlight the absolute best of Texas without a lot of ads, without relying on California tech companies for money, and without having to discuss politics, crime, or other subjects. Each purchase you make goes directly into paying our writing staff, making memes for social media, and promoting our work across the internet to help show what a great place Texas is to live, spread Texas pride far and wide, and give Texans something to laugh at.