A Linebacker for UT Permian Basin Intercepted a Pass and Then Handed it to a Teammate So He Could Score in His Final College Football Game

ut permian basin linebacker giving football to senior to score touchdown

Last weekend the UT Permian Basin Falcons were playing in their last game of the season against Texas A&M – Kingsville. It happened to also be senior week.

During the game sophomore linebacker John Oā€™Kelley intercepted a pass and began running it back for a touchdown. One of his teammates, senior linebacker Chris Hoad, ran behind him to help with blocking. When Oā€™Kelley noticed the senior and that the path to the end zone was clear, he decided to hand the ball off and let Hoad score the touchdown in his final college football game.


Twitter blew up when the play hit the SportsCenter feed with the video racking up 2.2 million views and 35,000 likes.

Then Bleacher Report shared the video to their Facebook page and it gained another 197,000 views

Incredible play to let his teammate get the TD šŸ™

Instead of scoring the TD himself, he hands it off to his teammate so he can score in his last college game.What a play šŸ™(via UTPB Falcons)

Posted by Bleacher Report on Monday, November 18, 2019

What an excellent selfless act.

The Falcons went on to win 70-14.