This Texan Started a Trash Cleanup Movement in Houston With a Reddit Post

houston trash cleanup movement 2020

We saw a post on Reddit’s /r/Houston by user Nicoleas92 titled “Downtown two city blocks of detrashing going back get more bags”. When we found the post it had hundreds of upvotes (what Reddit calls it when other accounts like a post by voting for it). By the end of the day her post had racked up more than 1,000 upvotes and was still climbing and suddenly a new Reddit community sprang into life called DeTrash Houston. The community currently has 56 members all who pick up trash in Houston, take photos of their full trash bags and post them to the community saying where they did the cleanup at.

“…The plan was to start picking up trash the next week but I saw a post another user on reddit shared of their trash pickup and I thought, why not start today? So that is my new attitude towards trash pick up-why not me, why not today?
– /u/Nicoleas92″

We reached out to the Reddit user who started this trend in Houston and found out her name is Nicole, but we don’t know much more about her (ohhhh mysterious!).

Nicole, thanks for loving Texas and doing your part to keep her beautiful.

Here’s what she said when we asked why she started picking up trash in Houston:

“I actually read a really great fiction novel that had a protagonist that casually picked up trash on her walks-I decided after being inspired by that character to do it myself. I work in renewables so the environment is important to me and this seemed like a clear, simple way to help the environment around me one piece of trash at a time. The plan was to start picking up trash the next week but I saw a post another user on reddit shared of their trash pickup and I thought, why not start today? So that is my new attitude towards trash pick up-why not me, why not today?”

houston trash cleanup reddit post 2020
The original Reddit post in /r/Houston from /u/Nicoleas92 with 2,000 upvotes.

So far the DeTrash Houston group members have done trash cleanups in Downtown Houston, Medical Center, and EaDo (East Downtown).

You can join the DeTrash Houston movement on Reddit here:

See the original Reddit thread that inspired the movement here:

Downtown two city blocks of detrashing going back get more bags from houston

Featured image a modified version of Reddit post made by /u/Nicoleas92

Screenshot of Reddit post by Texas is Life staff