[Video] Watch a Russian Rocket Booster Breakup Over the Permian Basin

russian rocket breakup over west texas permian basin

Early Saturday morning got really interesting for Texans living out near the Permian Basin as a Russian Rocket booster reentered the atmosphere and broke up into hundreds of pieces streaking across the sky. It looks like something out of a movie. Watching video after video of the rocket booster falling through the night sky makes you wonder if those lucky enough to see it thought this was an alien invasion of Decepticons or some other nefarious beings.

According to CBS 7, who first wrote about this, it was seen by Texans from Big Bend up to Lubbock. The news station put a call out asking for viewers to send in any video footage they had and cobbled together a mesmerizing video from 8 different perspectives of the event.

Watch that video on CBS 7’s website
cbs 7 video russian rocket breakup july 2020

At first most experts thought it was a meteor, but it turned out to be the booster from Russian Kosmos 2542 which was launched last year.

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