Houston Texans QB, Deshaun Watson, Invited a Teen Imelda Hero to This Weeks Game Against the Panthers

deshaun watson

Deshaun Watson is one the top quarterbacks in the NFL and he’s also proving he can be a top Texan off the field. While the rains of Tropical Storm Imelda were causing flash flooding all over Southeast Texas one young man noticed a mom and her child trapped in the flood waters and jumped in to help rescuing both of them. That young man was Aldine High School football player Jayden Payne.

Jayden – you are a real life hero! Iā€™d like to invite you to be our special guest at our game this Sunday vs. the Panthers. – Deshaun Watson

When Deshaun Watson heard about the teens heroics he reached out over Twitter and offered to bring him to the upcoming game against the Panthers. The Texans are 2-1 going up against a Panthers team that is 1-2 and without their star QB Cam Newton.

Even Dallas Cowboys fans have to admit that’s pretty danged awesome.

Featured image via @deshaunwatson on Twitter