Photographers Spotted Three Gators Sunbathing at Lake Worth Near Fort Worth

gator sunbathing lake worth texas

Two wildlife photographers were out hiking the Fort Worth Nature Center and Refuge when they spotted a group of 3 gators sunbathing. The largest is believed to have been 8 to 10 feet long.

Zach York and Jimmy Martin were out hiking around the lake this past weekend when they noticed the group. The big gator resting on a boardwalk over part of the lake. This was the first time the pair of photographers had seen any gators at Lake Worth, though they go there often.

This all took place after weeks of rain, it looks like the gators were tired of the wet weather too.

Photo by Zack York:

Photo by Jimmy Martin:

Map to Lake Worth

See more of Zack’s photography here:

See more of Jimmy’s photography here:

Featured photo by John Dean on Unsplash