Jeff Bezos is related to one of the most famous Texas musicians of all time, George Strait. He's also done well for himself with...
An Anonymous Texas School Employee Bought a Student a Trumpet After Seeing the Kid Play a Pretend Trumpet Online
Amelia Trevizo - 0
Jaron Collins, a fifth grader from Ponderosa Elementary School in Houston, now has a new trumpet and a new honorary membership to his favorite...
Experience The Frida Kahlo Oasis Art Exhibit at the San Antonio Botanical Garden For a Limited Time
Amelia Trevizo - 0
The newest exhibition at the San Antonio Botanical Garden, Frida Kahlo Oasis, brings the essence of Kahlo and post-revolutionary era of Mexico to Texas....
Patriotism and duty to country are things that run deep in Texans. Ever since 1845 that has meant being dedicated to the United States...
Texas Country Musician Neal McCoy Has Now Done the Pledge of Allegiance Over 2,000 Days in a Row on Facebook Live
Texas Writer - 0
The East Texas native and country music legend has been doing this daily since 2015.
Yesterday Neal McCoy hit a massive milestone, he conducted his...
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