[Gallery] San Antonio River Walk Christmas Lights

san antonio river walk holiday lights 2020

If you live in or visit San Antonio the River Walk is a must visit attraction and area of resaurants and shops. During the Christmas season they have over 100,000 lights hanging from the bald cypress trees and all around the River Walk. It is a site most Texans outside of San Antonio don’t get to enjoy, especially with the Sars-CoV-2 virus keeping many from going out and traveling. When San Antonio local and owner of Luxe Auto Detailing Jaron Cantreras told us we could share these photos he took of the River Walk’s christmas lights we were eager to jump at the chance.

The Christmas light display is called the Holiday Lights on the River Walk. The lights are displayed in the Downtown portion of the River Walk and bonus, it is a free event to attend since anyone can go walk the River Walk (it is considered a public park). The lights turn on around 6pm and stay on all through the night. The event lasts until January 4th of 2021, which means there is plenty of time to go and enjoy these gorgeous lights in person.

Why this is COVID-safe

  • The River Walk is an outdoors space known to be safer than indoors
  • Businesses on the River Walk are following CDC, State, and Local guidelines for health and social distancing
  • Face masks are required while visiting the River Walk

Editor’s note: The River Walk is a public park and mask wearing may not be enforced or it may become crowded. We recommend that you use caution in public spaces especially if you are immune compromised, at increased risk of COVID infection, or elderly. Please don not visit the River Walk if you feel sick, have a cough / sneeze / runny nose / etc…

Address: 849 E Commerce St, San Antonio, TX 78205

Website: https://www.thesanantonioriverwalk.com/

Map to the Downtown portion of the River Walk

Featured image via Jaron Contreras of Luxe Auto Detailing