Every March, the “Luck Reunion” Festival is held close to Willie Nelson’s ranch near Spicewood, Texas. Unfortunately, this year’s annual festival was among the many events canceled due to the coronavirus outbreak. But Nelson didn’t let this stop him from providing us an entertaining, much-needed concert.
Willie Nelson and friends held a virtual festival titled “Til Further Notice” which featured dozens of musicians including Willie Nelson, Jewel, Paul Simon, and Neil Young to name a few. The virtual concert was broadcast on the Luck Reunion Facebook page, Twitch and the “Luck Reunion” website according to the Dallas Morning News.
Fletcher and Matt Bizer worked diligently to put the show together in only a few days. They wanted to ensure that everyone affected by the show’s cancellation would be assisted by this concert. “If it does raise money for the artists who are off the road for a few months and the organizations who can’t raise money right now, and the hundreds of people who are affected by this, then it did a good thing,” said Bizer.
Throughout the night, donations totaling over $170,000 were collected and divided among the performers and dispersed among several local charities. These charities included the SIMS foundation, Farm Aid and Health Alliance for Austin Musicians.
“What else do we have but each other? We’ve lost money, hopefully we won’t lose friends, neighbors and family. Look at it this way, it’s not just you, it’s everybody.”
– Ray Benson
Watch the video below, concert starts around 28:49 mark so scroll ahead a little, or use this URL to go the start time: https://www.facebook.com/lucktexasreunion/videos/1103700640022771/?t=1751
Posted by Luck Reunion on Thursday, March 19, 2020