3 Abilene Women are Making, Donating Masks to Local Health Care Workers and Have Grown Into an Almost 900 Member Group

woman in blue shirt wearing face mask
Credit: Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels

I’m sure we’ve all seen those DIY masks videos popping up everywhere. We’ve also all seen the mask shortages our health care workers have been facing during these times.

Three Abilene women have taken it upon themselves to make a difference for their community by creating and donating face masks for their local health care workers. Jenni Riley, Effie McClendon, and Nicole Reed personally felt the need to address this mask shortage since their spouses all worked in the medical field.

“All three of us have spouses in the medical field. I think that’s probably what sparked our passion to begin with, we can easily see a face behind the masks we’re making.’ – Jenni Riley

These ladies knew the extremity of the issue and strived to recruit as much help as they could. This is when they created their Facebook group named “Medical Mask Force of Abilene.” This group of 3 quickly grew and before they knew it, it exploded into a group of almost 900 people.

The large local group divides up different tasks. While some members create the masks, others clean and sanitize the masks to ensure they are effectively sterilized before being distributed. Then, there are other members who are deliverers, picking up the finished batches of masks and delivering it to the designated hospital, medical office, or other organization that has requested their assistance.

What started off as a small project by 3 hard-working, determined women turned into a local movement of almost 900 people. In times like these, it is important to watch what people are doing to help. It shows us that through uplifting each other and working together, we can truly make a difference.