Houston Rockets Employees Handed Out Free Groceries from Kroger and Meals from Saltgrass

houston rockets employees handing out free groceries and meals

This weekend Houston Rockets employees and their mascot Clutch spent their time handing out free groceries from Kroger and meals from Landry’s Saltgrass Steakhouse at Toyota Center.

The food went to area families selected by local non-profit groups including Boys and Girls Clubs of America, Advancement of Mexican Americans, Houston Urban League, and the Chinese Community Center.

Matt Musil, sportscaster for KHOU posted this video to his Twitter showing the donations being handed out.

All across Texas groups of Texans are coming together and community leaders and businesses are stepping up to make sure the most vulnerable Texans have access to groceries and other necessities. Much love to all of the Houston Rockets employees, Kroger, and Landry’s for stepping up in this time of crisis.