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The COVID-19 pandemic has most of Texas looking like we're at a throwback to the 1970's party. Unfortunately instead of being cool and trendy, it's COVID causing the shaggy hair look to make a comeback. At the start of the pandemic when lockdown's were issued most Texas barbershops and hair salons were closed down temporarily. Now that the restrictions...
russian rocket breakup over west texas permian basin
Early Saturday morning got really interesting for Texans living out near the Permian Basin as a Russian Rocket booster reentered the atmosphere and broke up into hundreds of pieces streaking across the sky. It looks like something out of a movie. Watching video after video of the rocket booster falling through the night sky makes you wonder if those...
fort worth zoo #1 tortoise with watermelon
Fort Worth, when you think about the city you might think about cowboy hats, boots, honky tonks, brick streets and rodeos. If you're from the area though you might think of something else - the Fort Worth Zoo. Established in 1909, the Fort Worth Zoo is one of the oldest in the state and for years it has been...
fletcher's corny dogs corn dog logo
Updated: 7/31/2020 - We've updated the list of upcoming Fletcher's Corny Dogs pop-up events listed below. Yesterday was one of the single, saddest days in Texas since World War II. The most Texan tradition, the State Fair of Texas has been cancelled by organizers due to the COVID-19 pandemic and rising new cases and hospitalizations in the state. In response...
bo brown b3 against bullying fort worth police
The internet's shouting factory has social media denizens and journalists constantly looking for something to be unhappy about. Either to get more clicks for ad revenue, or to bolster their online popularity. This persistent war of words and accusations has a glaring flaw - it can be easily manipulated by internet trolls for a few laughs. One example of...