[Video] Texans in the Dallas Area Ride Horses Instead of Driving

dallas residents ride horses to meet at gas station 2022

Yee Haw!

Residents in the Dallas area appear to have staged a group horse ride to gallop across town and meetup at a local gas station. We have little on this event except for what we can see in the video, it appears dozens of Texans rode their horses down a frontage road in a Dallas suburb and then met up with each other at a gas station.

This is reminiscent of ‘bike nights’ where motorcycle riders get together on their bikes and move across town in large groups, except of course the horses don’t require expensive gasoline.

Watch the video from ABC 13 here:

Told Y’all!
We of course figured shenanigans like this would take place here in Texas once the price of gas started climbing closer to $5. Here’s a video meme we posted about it on March 9th:

Featured image a compliation of screenshots from the video embeded via ABC 13 as shown above