Miranda Lambert Will Play 3 Indoor Concerts at Billy Bob’s in Fort Worth

miranda lambert on stage

Vaccines are getting administered all across Texas and many of us are breathing a sigh of relief that the end of this horrible pandemic is in sight. And now comes another sign that things might start moving back towards normal soon, country music superstar and native Texan Miranda Lambert is set to do a series of indoor concerts at Billy Bob’s in Fort Worth.

Tickets go on sale this Friday, February 12th.

Show Dates:

  • Thurdsay April 22nd
  • Friday April 23rd
  • Saturday April 24th

Bill Bob’s recently went from being the “World’s largest honky tonk” to the “World’s largest honky tonk restaurant and COVID-safe concert venue” after pressing the TABC to be considered a restaurant (and one of the likely reasons bars that serve food were allowed to reopen) after bars were forced to close last summer.

Ever since that happend last August Billy Bob’s has seen a steady stream of Country Music favorites take the stage for socially distant concerts including The Bellamy Brothers, Josh Abbott Band, Randy Rogers Band, and Tracy Byrd. However, there hasn’t been much interest from big name current Texas country performers until now.

The concert series will mark Miranda’s first concert in over a year and has the community stirring with anticipation, her announcement so far has gained over 68,000 likes on Instagram.

At the rate of current vaccine administrations and hospitalizations COVID-19 will likely be even less of a factor by late April when she takes the stage. However, right now Billy Bob’s is enforcing a COVID-safe 40% capacity of 2,500 attendees for each show to ensure there is plenty of room for social distancing and this is unlikely to change by show time.

The Miranda Lambert shows are part of Billy Bob’s 40th Anniversary celebration which kicks off on April 1st.

Get your tickets on the Billy Bobā€™s Website: https://billybobstexas.com/
reminder: seating is limited to 2,500 for each show, tickets go on sale the 12th of February.

Map to Billy Bobā€™s Texas

Featured image via Wikimedia Commons by user Loco4Music file can be found here