Father’s Day Festival With Axe Throwing, Vintage Car Show, and More at 80 Acre Market in Gilmer Texas

fathers playing cornhole

Treat your papa on his day with an event just for Dads.

80 Acre Market is a uniquely small town Texan market built into a mansion in East Texas. Every few weeks the market’s vendors rotate their inventory to keep everything fresh, and new vendors come in. The market also holds events periodically for the entire community of Gilmer, TX and surrounding cities.

This coming Father’s Day is one of those event days. The event will feature:

  • a Vintage Car Show
  • Cornhole Tournament
  • Axe Throwing
  • Dad drinks

Vital Details

  • Dates: June 15th, 16th, and 17th
  • Website: https://80acremarket.com/
  • Price: Free

Map to 80 Acre Market

Featured photo the “Friends drinking photo” or “Friends playing cornhole at a summer party in the park” created by rawpixel.com courtesy of www.freepik.com

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I love Texas and everything in it from the swampy gator infested lands of Southeast Texas, to the rural plains of East Texas, to East California (Austin), to the dirty beaches of Corpus, to the hip-hop of Houston, to the overly priced drinks of Dallas, to the dive bars of Fort Worth, to the delicious kolaches of West, TX, to the serenity of Waco, to the badlands of West Texas, and to the borderlands of El Paso.