Texans are Enjoying Surfside Beach on the Gulf While Social Distancing

surfisde beach reopening may 1st 2020

When Governor Abbot’s new orders took place on May 1st, reports stated pouring in for numerous businesses and public places where Texans were ignoring social distancing and face mask protocols and instead gathering in crowds.

One place that seems to be bucking this trend and following social distancing is Surfside Beach on the gulf, which according to video footage appears to be one of the public spaces not getting overly crowded by Texans eager to get out of their house for some fresh air, sand, and relaxation.

ABC 13 in Houston posted this video to their Twitter showing Texans on Surfside Beach enjoying the warm sun while keeping 6ft or further apart.

As the economic re-opening in Texas continues Texas like these resisting the urge to gather in crowded places and groups serve as a shining example of how we should all support each other.