Volunteers Delivered 1,600 lbs of Thanksgiving Food to Homebound Dallas Seniors


Hundreds of volunteer cars line up on Thanksgiving morning to pick up hot meals and deliver them to homebound seniors across Dallas County as part of the Meals on Wheels program.

Jennifer Austin of Visiting Nurse Association (VNA) said this year theyā€™ve been blessed to have more than 500 volunteers participating in the tradition. VNA Meals on Wheels have been delivering to more than 4,000 seniors daily, but this particular meal is very special. Itā€™s a festive Thanksgiving plate complete with all the trimmings. The VNA Meals on Wheels kitchen bustled early morning as the kitchen crew plated 750 lbs of Turkey, 800 lbs of cornbread dressing, gravy, green beans, and cranberry sauce.

Photo credits to VNA Texas Facebook page

VNA is a non-profit organization with services like hospice, palliative and pediatric care. Their Meals on Wheels service is open to everyone in the Dallas area who are seniors, disabled, have limited financial resources, and unable to drive or leave home without assistance. If you want to volunteer, donate, or apply to receive meals, visit the VNA Texas website.

Featured image credit: PublicDomainPictures on Pixabay